How to collect Dump and Log files

How to collect Dump and Log files

More details:

  1. Connect the TMT250 to a laptop using a Magnetic USB cable.

  2. Download and install USB drivers to your computer: https://wiki.teltonika-mobility.com/view/TMT250_First_Start#How_to_install_USB_drivers_.28Windows.29

  3. Download Teltonika Configurator for TMT250: https://wiki.teltonika-mobility.com/view/Special:Redirect/file/Teltonika.Configurator_1.6.11_R.30.zip

  4. Leave the TMT250 connected to your laptop and place them outside (in an open area).

  5. Open the Teltonika Configurator and press on the TMT250 device which should appear in the main window.

  6. Press on the Status window on the left, then on the Maintenance tab.

  7. Press on the Dump and after that on Log button (logging process will take 10 minutes).

  8. Go to the Documents folder in your computer and find the generated Dump and Log zip archives.

  9. Send these archives to us.



Q: Is it possible to collect dump files through FOTA WEB?

A: You can capture dump files through the FOTA web.

Create a task to receive internal logs.