Configuration hint of TMT devices

Configuration hint of TMT devices

  • What ping function is used for?
    Ping function is enabled after configured Open Link Timeout is reached and it prevents link close by the operator

  • What is Open Link Timeout?
    Open Link Timeout is parameter used to set timeout of link between device and AVL server. If device has already sent all records it waits for new records before closing link. If new record is generated and link is still open, it is sent to server immediately without waiting for send period. If Open Link Timeout is set to maximum and device generates records more often than 259200 seconds link beetwen device and AVL server will be open all time.

  • What are the conditions to let device enter into ultra deep sleep mode?
    Several conditions must be met, please refer to the link page regarding sleep modes for FMM130 and records sending:



    You can use this command to enter the device in deep sleep mode: command via sms / gprs

    setparam 102: 2; 103: (time after which the device will enter sleep mode)

  • Conditions to enter ultra deep sleep mode, where GPS and GSM modem are turned off and device functions are suspended for maximum battery saving, are the same as entering deep sleep mode:

    - FMM130 is configured in Deep Sleep mode and sleep timeout is reached;
    - Device time must be synchronized with GPS satellites. From Firmware 03.18.15 version, this condition depends on the “Records saving/sending without TS” parameter:
    - After Position Fix - FMM130 time is synchronized with GNSS satellites and GPS fix is obtained;
    - After Time Sync - FMM130 time is synchronized over NTP, NITZ, or GNSS satellites;
    - Always - FMM130 will enter sleep mode without time synchronization and GPS fix.
    - Ignition (configured ignition source) is off;
    - Movement is not detected by the accelerometer or configured movement source;
    - Min. Record Saving Period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) must be larger than Open Link Timeout parameter, so that FMM130 could close GPRS link;
    - The difference between Send Period (Data Acquisition Mode settings) and Open Link Timeout must be more than 90 seconds, so that FMM130 could close GPRS link within at least 90 seconds;
    - There are no SMS messages being received;
    - Data socket(s) are closed;
    - Data sending is not in progress;

  • What means “Out Of Scope function of tachograph”?
    you may see that video:


  • What is “Next calibration date”?

    Next calibration date - it is date that is written in the tachograph

  • About “Next calibration”, How should I parse the value to get a DATETIME from the unit?
    You could use this tool:https://www.epochconverter.com/hex to decode received timestamp

  • FMB140 can read DTC information ?
    FMB140 doesn't have option of DTC reading. For that LV-CAN200 + DTC adapter must be used

  • private/business mode FW for FMB device: FMB.Ver.03.25.16.Rev.105

  • Reduce your data consumption:
    Please check:
    - If the minimum angle is 10, the device will generate a record every 10 degrees. With this setting, you will have a lot of records, especially when the vehicle is turning. Please try to set a higher Min Angle value or disable it for testing by setting it to zero and check how the device generates data. Each condition (Min Perid, Min Distance, MIn Angle, Min Speed Delta) is checked independently and if at least one condition is met.
    - change the transmission interval

  • Does Global connectivity solution SIM work with TMT250?
    Yes, it does in 2G

  • What to do if your device do not see any satellite?
    - Place your device outside or near the window and wait several minutes until navigation LED will start to blink, then send those SMS commands to device:

    getver, getinfo.
    - update the device to the last firmware

  • During ultra sleep mode no periodic records are being sent to the server. The device will send a record if it enters to any sleep mode except Ultra Sleep Mode (also the priority should be High or Panic)


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