Bluetooth Sensors, Beacons and Network devices

Bluetooth Sensors, Beacons and Network devices

The usage of Bluetooth is growing with every new version of this technology. It is getting more convenient to scale IoT projects by adding more and more BT sensors and beacons.

RUTX10 and RUTX11 are the first routers from Teltonika Networks that feature built-in Bluetooth Low Energy (LE). It is an excellent protocol for IoT devices that operate on the limited availability of AC power and make use of battery power instead.

With RUTX10 and RUTX11, you are able to connect sensors directly to the router instead of having to add a USB dongle or other peripherals. This eliminates the need for any additional hardware devices, therefore minimizing the overall solution ecosystem.

RUTX series devices with BLE interface are now are ready to be used with BLE sensors and beacons from Teltonika. The Bluetooth LE feature allows you to pair with sensors of all types, shapes, and sizes that give read-out information, show status or prevent an accident from happening. In some cases, it can be used to clock in or out at certain times, track assets, or even allow access to certain areas. You can send data from the beacons via MQTT protocols to your server or IoT platform and be able to connect multiple sensors and beacons within the range of up to 500 meters (in open areas).

RUTX10 and RUTX11 routers can be paired with up to 200 Blue Coin sensors at the same time. To power on the sensors, you must hold an NFC enabled phone near the sensor and use the App to write the NFC tag to the sensor.

You can download this latest firmware version (RUTX_R_00.02.01.1) from our Wiki page.

In the link below, you can have more details:




Q: Do you need RMS to receive notifications from the BLE sensors, such as the temperature or open/close sensors?

A: No, it was ment to be used with most of third party platforms, and sensor data can be sent to them via HTTP(S) or MQTT protocols using Data to Server feature

Q: Can we configure bluetooth sensor using RUTX devices ?

A: No, Sensors are configured separately, as to access sensor configuration tuo read NFC tag scanner, so smartphone or computer with such device is required

You can have more information via:



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