Control of the Digital output (DOUT) over bluetooth
Teltonika FMB devices have a rich set of commands:
Among them, there are Bluetooth commands and Setdigout:
The usual ways to send these commands to the FMB device are:
SMS commands;
GPRS commands (i.e. mobile internet).
FMB supports Bluetooth version 4.0. Communication between FMB devices is done via the SPP Bluetooth profile. Using SPP, each connected device can send and receive data just as if there were RX and TX lines connected between them
-Pair his FMB through Bluetooth and test it:
Terminal commands
.reset - Reboots device in 3 seconds
.info - Returns device FW, Imei , Power state, gps
.modem - modem status
.tst_device_info - FW version
.shrec - sends an empty record to the server for the purpose of verifying that the record transfer is working
AES128 BLE Encryption testing:
Command of Setdigout over Bluetooth:
About command over Bluetooth:
command "setdigout 1" and "setdigout 0" can be sent over bluetooth using provided bluetooth protocol.
command to send over bluetooth to activate DOUT1 is: "setdigout 1"
command to send over bluetooth to deactivate DOUT1 is: "setdigout 0"
command to send over terminal (connected via bluetooth or usb) to activate DOUT 1: "@sms_run:setdigout 1"
command to send over terminal (connected via bluetooth or usb) to deactivate DOUT 1: "@sms_run:setdigout 0"