Notes: Make sure to place two space symbol before the command if you do not have SMS commands login and password configured
An SMS to disable alarm SMS in a main window is provided below:
'' setparam 7245:0''
An SMS can differ if you use an old FW or different configuration (alarm sms can be configured in 2 different tabs).
As well you can disable this feature via configurator
SMS to:
Enables automatic power on when charger is connected
Disables the power off function when the white button is pressed?
“ setparam 114:1; 13087:0;”
114:1 - Enables Power On via Charger/USB
13087:0 - Disables Power off with power key
13087:0; - to Enable Power off with power key
SMS command to have information about your device:
Returns code version, device IMEI, modem app version, RTC time, Init time, Uptime and BT MAC address.