We recommend to add all compatible devices to Teltonika FOTA WEB to ease device monitoring.
If you want Mirifica to manage your devices then contact: store@mirifica de and provide us with purchase information of these devices.
You can download LOG file via FOTA Web. In this case, you should select your device and go to Actions -->Download from device and choose Continuous LOGs and select to download 10 files.
Q: Can i change my company name?
A: Company Name can be only changed from our side. You have to contact support@mirifica EU.
Q: During update process, what will happen, if vehicle is switched off (and so device is, because it is not connected to permanent vehicle power and internal battery is not connected)?
A: No, it is not possible to import other information than IMEI or serial number to FOTA WEB but you can update "DESCRIPTION" column manually to identify your device.
- Login to your router.
- Navigate to your routers port forwarding section, also frequently called virtual server ( e.g: PORT: 7000 from external IP to client's PC IP. For every router model, forwarding is different and some routers doesn't even support forwarding) .
- Create the port forward entries in your router.
- Test that your ports are forwarded correctly.
You can download LOG file using FOTA Lite from directory D:\Log\C\.
In FOTA application, register your device by filling all required data, choose it and press "Choose Files" button, then specify what files you would like to download and location where you would like to save them and start downloading.
Q: What if you get the error message "Failed Connection timeout" during the update process?