Q: How can I set up WiFi? So WAN through WiFi, and then the two networks (wired: LAN and WAN as LAN) use that as Gateway?
A: If you are using RUTOS Firmware with your RUT240, please follow these steps:
*Navigate to the Network → Wireless page and click the "Scan" button to find all available Wi-Fi access points, choose your access point and connect to it.
*Navigate to the Network → Failover page and enable the Wi-Fi WAN and other WAN interfaces that you are using. You can increase the interface priority by dragging the selected interface to the top of the interface list.
Further information regarding the available Wireless and Failover settings can be found here:
*Wireless - https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUT240_Wireless#Client_Mode
*Failover - https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUT240_Failover#Failover
Q: Is there a way to switch a digital output when a VPN connection is active?
A: It can be achieved with a custom bash script: https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUT955_Administration
I/O state can be changed with the following commands:
ubus call ioman.gpio.dout1 update '{"value":"0"}'
ubus call ioman.gpio.dout1 update '{"value":"1"}'
I/O status can be consulted with:
ubus call ioman.gpio.dout1 status